
Thursday, June 2, 2022

ナイフ&フォークは「当たり前」じゃない。箸が世界のレストランの常識を変えていく!:時事ドットコム - 時事通信ニュース


Knife & Fork is not "standard". Chopsticks are changing the way restaurants around the world think!

English follows Japanese

東京・かっぱ橋道具街(R)にある箸専門店 はし藤本店(株式会社はし藤本店、代表取締役:上中康成)は、海外で日本食への注目度が高まっていることを受け、料理や食材だけではなく、「箸」という日本の食文化も世界へ発信すべく、フランス料理などナイフやフォークが使用される料理にぴったりな箸を開発いたしました。




■ 料理をより美味しく食べるためにお箸を変える!



■ 「つまむ・切る・混ぜる・たたむ・刺す」変幻自在な箸の持つカトラリとしての可能性。










・コロナ渦の中、順延等しましたが、イベントの様子は、TVB 『流行都市』にてTV放映、新聞「星島副刊」掲載、ウェブメディア、SNSなど、多くのメディアで取り上げられました。





●日本語版 / Japanese


●英語版 / English

[Bridging the gap between dish and diner.]

●フランス語版 / Française

[Un pont entre la nourriture et les mangeurs.]

HASHITOU-HONTEN Ltd. (President: Yasunari Uenaka), a chopstick specialty store located in Kappabashi Dogokugai(R) in Tokyo, has developed chopsticks that are perfect for French cuisine and other dishes in which knives and forks are used, in order to promote not only the cuisine and ingredients but also the Japanese food culture of "chopsticks" to the world in response to the growing interest in Japanese food overseas. We have developed chopsticks that are perfect for French cuisine and other dishes where knives and forks are used.

Chopsticks have the characteristic of being able to be used in a variety of ways with a single set, such as for "picking" and "cutting." We have further subdivided this characteristic and created chopsticks based on the idea that chopsticks can become one of the standard cutlery for Western cuisine such as French cuisine.

This project was adopted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency as part of its "Japan Brand Development Support Project" budget for fiscal 2021, and as part of the project, an event was held at a restaurant in Hong Kong, and a PR video was produced in English and French to disseminate information.

■ Change chopsticks for better food!

In Japanese and other cuisines, such as Chinese and Korean, where chopsticks are used, one set of chopsticks is used per meal. In French cuisine, hors d'oeuvres are served with a knife and fork for eating hors d'oeuvres. In French cuisine, however, hors d'oeuvres are accompanied by a knife and fork to eat the hors d'oeuvres, and fish and meat dishes are also accompanied by cutlery that matches the dish.

Originally, chopsticks were positioned to cover all of these dishes, but in order to respect the culinary culture of changing cutlery depending on the dish, and to reaffirm that chopsticks can be used in a variety of ways by changing their shape, we have created five patterns of "chopsticks for hors d'oeuvres," "for fish," "for meat," "for noodles" and "for desserts. Hashitou-Honten planned and developed 5 patterns of "chopsticks to match each dish", which are "for hors d'oeuvres", "for fish", "for meat", "for noodles", and "for desserts". The event was held at Shiawase, a popular restaurant in Hong Kong, where people actually ate food with the chopstick set developed by Hashitou- Honten. The event received a great response from the local media.

■Chopsticks have the potential to be used as cutlery, with their versatility to pick up, cut, mix, fold, and stab.

Chopsticks can be used not only for clipping food, but also for a variety of other purposes.

As Japanese people, we usually handle chopsticks without thinking about it, but this abundance of variations is actually quite rare.

For example, it is possible to "pick" vegetables without damaging their fibers, and to "cut" foie gras like a knife.
If you consider chopsticks as cutlery, you may have the option of "stabbing" your food, which is considered taboo in Japanese manners.

It is a pleasure to know that there is another way to enjoy food than table manners, which are the manners of an adult. says Mr. Uenaka, president of Hashitou-Honten.

Hashitou-Honten plans to promote this new style of dining to chefs and sommeliers at many restaurants, both in Japan and overseas.

■Details of the event in Hong Kong

Date: March 1, 2022

Twenty-five media companies were invited to the event, and a course meal was served with a set of chopsticks that matched the dishes developed in the project.

General comments by the event organizer (excerpts)
Although the event was postponed due to the Corona vortex, it was covered by many media, including TV broadcast on TVB's "流行都市" newspaper "星島副刊" web media, and SNS. The event was covered by many media.
The event was broadcast on TV in TVB's "流行都市" and in the newspaper "星島副刊" and was covered by many media outlets, including web and SNS.

企業プレスリリース詳細へ (2022/06/02-17:17)

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からの記事と詳細 ( ナイフ&フォークは「当たり前」じゃない。箸が世界のレストランの常識を変えていく!:時事ドットコム - 時事通信ニュース )

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